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- the AXEOS Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the following address:
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Video conferencing

Video conferencing: an essential solution!

Today, video conferencing solutions have evolved. The goal now is to boost meeting productivity and provide modern video conferencing solutions. With our range of designer furniture, we can transform your spaces into value creation. We produce quality collaborative tools, from design - thanks to our design office and the production of 3D visuals - to manufacturing using noble materials and 100% French production. At AXEOS we offer everything for the videoconferencing best suited to your business!

Our single and dual screen supports such as OSYX, BOXER, XENON or even OBOX will integrate with your environment and with videoconferencing technologies. With a column allowing the integration of cables and peripherals, an adjustable screen height and a universal codec holder or stand on wheels for video conferencing, each of our products is designed to universally suit all technologies on the market. A simple-to-use means of communication, videoconferencing today brings many advantages to companies.
Facilitate collaboration and exchanges between your collaborators and company employees with videoconferencing!

Obox Single Screen Videoconferencing - VC stand - AXEOS


Single Screen

OBOX Single Screen is a stand suitable for a screen from 40 to 60 inches.

Number of screen : 
  • 1 screen
Technical sheet : OBOX-SS
Plan space : Obox SE VC 32-60
DWG/DXF file : Obox SE VC 32-60
Installation instructions : Notice de montage OBOX - SE - FR-EN
Options : 
  • Other finish
  • Shelf
  • Soundbar/camera holder
  • Other option(s)
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Single Screen
Obox Single Screen Videoconferencing - VC stand - AXEOS
Obox XL - VC stands for large screens - AXEOS


Dual Screen

OBOX XL Dual Screen is a stand suitable for two screens from 52 to 70 inches.

Number of screen : 
  • 2 screens
Technical sheet : OBOX XL-DS
Plan space : Obox XL DE VC 52-70
DWG/DXF file : Obox XL DE VC 52-70
Installation instructions : Notice de montage OBOX XL - DE - FR-EN
Options : 
  • Other finish
  • Shelf
  • Base on Teflon pads
  • Soundbar/camera holder
  • Other option(s)
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Dual Screen
Obox XL - VC stands for large screens - AXEOS
Obox XL Single Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS


Single Screen

OBOX XL Single Screen is a stand suitable for a screen from 65 to 80 inches.

Number of screen : 
  • 1 screen
Technical sheet : OBOX XL-SS
Plan space : Obox XL SE VC 65-80
DWG/DXF file : Obox XL SE VC 65-80
Installation instructions : Notice de montage OBOX XL - SE - FR-EN
Options : 
  • Other finish
  • Shelf
  • Base on Teflon pads
  • Soundbar/camera holder
  • Other option(s)
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Single Screen
Obox XL Single Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS
Osyx double écran - Réf : OSYXD4050VCPACK Simulation écrans : 46’’


Dual Screen

OSYX Dual Screen is a stand suitable for two screens from 40 to 55 inches.

Number of screen : 
  • 2 screens
Technical sheet : OSYX-DS
Plan space : Osyx DE VC 40-55
DWG/DXF file : Osyx DE VC 40-55
Installation instructions : NEW Notice de montage OSYX - DE - FR-EN
Products : Popular
Options : 
  • Other finish
  • Shelf
  • Base on Teflon pads
  • Soundbar/camera holder
  • Other option(s)
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Dual Screen
Osyx double écran - Réf : OSYXD4050VCPACK Simulation écrans : 46’’
Osyx simple écran - Réf : OSYXS3260VCPACK Simulation écran : 55’’


Single Screen

OSYX Single Screen is a stand suitable for a screen from 32 to 65 inches.

Number of screen : 
  • 1 screen
Technical sheet : OSYX-SS
Plan space : Osyx SE VC 32-65
DWG/DXF file : Osyx SE VC 32-60
Installation instructions : NEW Notice de montage OSYX - SE - FR-EN
Products : Popular
Options : 
  • Other finish
  • Shelf
  • Base on Teflon pads
  • Soundbar/camera holder
  • Other option(s)
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Single Screen
Osyx simple écran - Réf : OSYXS3260VCPACK Simulation écran : 55’’
Stilix Single Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS


Single Screen

STILIX Single Screen is a stand suitable for a screen from 46 to 100 inches.

Number of screen : 
  • 1 screen
Technical sheet : STILIX-SS
DWG/DXF file : Stilix SE VC 46-100
Installation instructions : Notice STILIX SE FR-EN
Products : New
Options : 
  • Other finish
  • Soundbar/camera holder
  • Other option(s)
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Single Screen
Stilix Single Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS
Stilix Dual Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS


Dual screen

STILIX Dual Screen is a stand suitable for two screens from 40 to 75 inches.

Number of screen : 
  • 2 screens
Technical sheet : STILIX-DS
DWG/DXF file : Stilix DE VC
Installation instructions : Notice STILIX DE FR-EN
Products : Popular
Options : 
  • Other finish
  • Soundbar/camera holder
  • Other option(s)
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Dual screen
Stilix Dual Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS
Stilix Wide Dual Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS


Dual Screen

STILIX WIDE Dual Screen is designed for two 52 to 90-inch screens.

Number of screen : 
  • 2 screens
Technical sheet : STILIX WIDE-DS
DWG/DXF file : Stilix Wide DE VC 52-90
Installation instructions : Notice de montage Stilix Wide - DE - FR-EN
Products : Popular
Options : 
  • Other finish
  • Soundbar/camera holder
  • Other option(s)
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Dual Screen
Stilix Wide Dual Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS
Stilix Wide Single Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS


Single Screen

STILIX WIDE Single Screen is designed for a 65 to 100-inch screen.

Number of screen : 
  • 1 screen
Technical sheet : STILIX WIDE-SS
DWG/DXF file : Stilix Wide SE VC 65-100
Installation instructions : Notice de montage Stilix Wide - SE - FR-EN
Products : Popular
Options : 
  • Other finish
  • Soundbar/camera holder
  • Other option(s)
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Single Screen
Stilix Wide Single Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS
Videoconferencing Video wall - LED video wall - AXEOS



VIDEO WALL is a multi-screen stand available for digital signage or videoconferencing. According to the...

Number of screen : 
  • Multi-screen
Technical sheet : VIDEO WALL VC
Options : 
  • Other finish
  • Backlit and/or adhesive logo
  • Other option(s)
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Multi-screen
Videoconferencing Video wall - LED video wall - AXEOS
X-Press Single Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS



Leaning on the wall and easy to install, X-PRESS is a discreet solution for a screen from 40 to 75 inches.

Number of screen : 
  • 1 screen
Technical sheet : X-PRESS-VC
Plan space : X-Press SE VC 40-75
DWG/DXF file : X-Press SE VC 40-75
Installation instructions : Notice de montage X-PRESS - FR-EN
Products : New
Options : 
  • Other finish
  • Shelf
  • Soundbar/camera holder
  • Other option(s)
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Videoconferencing
X-Press Single Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS
Xenon Dual Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS


Dual Screen

XENON Dual Screen is a designed for two 52 to 90-inch screens.

Number of screen : 
  • 2 screens
Technical sheet : XENON-DS
Plan space : Xenon DE VC 52-65 + 70-90
DWG/DXF file : Xenon DE VC
Installation instructions : Notice de montage XENON - DE - FR-EN
Options : 
  • Base on casters
  • Soundbar/camera holder
Product ranges : AV Solutions
AV Solutions Ranges : Videoconferencing
Subtitle : Dual Screen
Xenon Dual Screen Videoconferencing - AXEOS

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