12.1.VC Floor to ceilling bracket - AXEOS
Luxury display totem - AXEOS
Xenon Dual Screen Videoconferencing with Polycom EagleEye Director 2 - AXEOS
Custom made Xylo Indoor for Bank LCL - AXEOS
16.1.Large Neonyx Touch Lift on catsers - AXEOS
NEONYX - Conference Livres Paris 02-2019 - Siäge RÇgion IDF (3)
2.1.Ekinox - VC stand with box secured - AXEOS
Oval table 17 people + video wall - AXEOS
Trapezoidal table 13 people - AXEOS
Trapezoidal table - Meeting room - AXEOS
13.1.Double-sided enclosure for Credit Agricole Bank - AXEOS
Round table 10 people - AXEOS
Board table 22 people - AXEOS
6.1.Ekinox-XS stand - Confidence monitor - AXEOS
Carpentry furniture with monitor and camera - AXEOS
Video wall with 4 screens of 46inches - AXEOS
Wall cover - iPad Pro 12,9 inches - AXEOS
Wooden Neonyx Lift - AXEOS
Board table 18 people - AXEOS
Trapezoidal table for 13 people - Meeting room - AXEOS
Trapezoidal table 17 people, standing height table 4 people and Xenon Dual Screen - AXEOS
11.1.Telemedicine trolley - AXEOS
Custom made Xylo Outdoor for Restaurant - AXEOS
Custom EXIA - Galaxy kiosk - AXEOS
15.1.Multi screen monitor - AXEOS
Brushed stainless steel kiosk - AXEOS
19.1.Wall touch screen kiosk and Indoor enclosure - AXEOS
Table in V shape 11 people + Xenon Wide Dual Screen - AXEOS
1 Cisco Webex Room 55 Dual and telepresence table - AXEOS
Xylo Outdoor with golden finish - Paris Longchamp - AXEOS
Custom Exia - Touch screen kiosk - AXEOS
Xenon Wide - Single Screen Stand for videoconferencing - AXEOS
Neonyx Touch Lift - Lectern for event - AXEOS
9.1.Outdoor enclosure for display - AXEOS
3.1.Inauguration tramway Caen lectern - Neonyx - AXEOS
10.1.Xylo Indoor - Display totem - AXEOS_1
Havas video wall in entrance hall - AXEOS
Custom Exia XL - Touch screen kiosk with NFC reader - AXEOS
4.1.Display totem for YotelAIR - AXEOS
Wooden Telepresence totem 2 screens - AXEOS
Trapezoidal table 10 people - AXEOS
Galaxy Tab Kiosk for Bank - AXEOS
1.1.Boxer with extended column - Meeting room - AXEOS3
Oval table 18 people - Board room - AXEOS
Trapezoidal table 14 people and floor to ceilling mount - AXEOS
14.1.Telepresence monitor with Yamaha CS 700 - AXEOS
Telepresence table 6 and 9 people and TP furniture - AXEOS
7.1.Neonyx Touch - Lectern with front monitor - AXEOS
Plexiglass Wall mount for camera SMCP - AXEOS
XPOD table - Meeting table - AXEOS
18.1.Boxer Dual Screen with box and Cisco Room Kit Plus - AXEOS
Xylo Indoor with backlit logo - Paris Bourse - AXEOS
Exia iPad kiosk in car dealership - AXEOS
Hinged video wall 9 screens - Nike - AXEOS
Xenon Touch Lift - AXEOS
1.1.Boxer with extended column - Meeting room - AXEOS
8.2.Indoor enclosure with wood finish - AXEOS
5.1.Video wall BAYER - AXEOS
0.1.Display totem with touch monitor - CA IDF - AXEOS3
Floor to ceilling display totem with backlit - AXEOS
17.1.Wooden Neonyx with casters and screen - AXEOS


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